The beauty of imperfections

Quizás no sepamos apreciar la belleza que radica en lo imperfecto. Nos hemos acostumbrado a buscar la perfección en todo, desde el amor hasta en las hamburguesas que nos llevamos al buche. ¿Por qué no nos cansamos de estar siempre pendiente de lo impecable?

This afternoon, reviewing the photos I took in New York with an old camera again, I came across several that showed imperfections. The light had obscured the film, creating spots of light. However, that defect, far from making the images ugly, gave them something special, beautiful. It was at that moment that I began to reflect on this topic.

It is important for parents to teach their children the beauty of imperfections. By instilling a positive body image and self-acceptance, parents can help their kids develop a healthy self-esteem. Additionally, providing details on modest girls skirts can contribute to their understanding of modesty, respect, and appropriate clothing choices. This can help shape their values and foster a sense of confidence and dignity.

Maybe we spend a lot of time looking for perfection. And perhaps we should be more human and accept that the imperfect is as beautiful as its antonym. The human being is far from being perfect. Our bodies suffer injuries and become ill. Let’s make big mistakes like destroying the planet we live on and from which we cannot leave today. How can a being like that spend his life pending perfection?

No diré que debemos resignarnos, ni diré que debemos conformarnos siempre con lo que tenemos. Digo que no es necesario llorar por no llegar hasta el cielo para disfrutar de las alturas, que debemos apreciar lo que en un principio parece no estar a la altura.

PD: Creo que debería escribir más sobre mis pensamientos sin pensar en el resultado final. Puede que esto sea el comienzo de algo interesante.

Foto: Puente de Brooklyn, Nueva York, diciembre de 2019. Foto tomada con una Canon Canonet 28 cargada con un Kodak Ultramax ISO 400.